Thursday 14 November 2013

Cameras In Games, Time for a Refresher

I was recently working on my game and I implemented a camera manager to handle everything that has to do with the camera in my game. My game is a top down shooter so I only have one camera. We were finalizing what our first level was going to look like and I had to change the camera to fit the new proportions. My camera was working fine and I thought that everything was ok, I was wrong. When I adjusted the camera I quickly found that my camera logic was flawed. The game was stretched and disproportional and the player was in the bottom of the screen. It seems that I am rusty on how cameras work. Time to re-educate!

The first thing I need to get all squared out is what defines a camera? To me a camera in a game is the viewport that is shown to the user. It is like the user is looking through the lens of the camera at the virtual world. I still have the definition right at least in my camera logic so I can check that off my list of possible errors. Ok now that I have the definition down I have to get the different types of camera down.

Perspective cameras are cameras that maintain and display perspective. Perspective is displaying three dimensional objects on a two dimensional surface. It tries to keep proportions correct in relation to other objects. You can see in the railway track picture that they railway goes to a point the farther it is away from the camera. So is a perspective camera set up? A perspective is made up of a viewing frustum, near and far clipping planes and a field of view. The picture below demonstrates how all these components are configured. The view frustum is defined by the bounds of the near and far clipping planes. The near clipping plane is smaller than the far clipping plane so this makes the objects seem bigger the closer they get to the camera. This mirrors how things in the real world work. Any objects within the view frustum, near and far clipping planes will be visible to the camera; everything else will be out of the camera view. My camera is not a perspective camera so some of the camera logic does not apply to me so let’s check out the other camera.

An orthographic camera does not have a frustum and therefor does not display perspective. Instead of objects getting smaller the further it gets from the camera there is no change in the orthographic camera. Instead of a frustum the camera has a box with left, right, top, and bottom bounds. With a box instead of a frustum there is no perspective anymore. This is great for top down games like ours and this is the camera that we are using.

Now that I have been reminded about how the orthographic camera works my problem would be that I was trying to move the camera forward to zoom in the camera. This does not work because moving it closer to the camera does not change its size. Instead I need to change the size of my box to make it smaller in order to make the player bigger. Now that I have that figured out let’s keep going and think about how games handle cameras.

Fixed Camera

Every time I think about camera now I think about God of War as this is my professors go to for everything involving cameras. Now I have never played the games as I never owned a PlayStation anything before, but from the countless gameplay footage that I have seen in class I can now talk about its camera with some knowledge and I have to say that yes it does have a great camera system. Everything that has to do with the camera is smooth and seamless. All the camera shots in the cut scenes look like block buster shots. So how do they do it? To set up something like that would not be too hard to do in a 3D modeling program like Maya. All of the cut scenes can be done with Maya to control the camera shots better and more effectively. You can set up locators in the scene that have a position and orientation. If you have enough of them you can interpolate between them and have an effective camera system. You can also set a path or a rail that the camera can follow to control the camera that way.

Dynamic Cameras

Fixed cameras are much easier to setup and implement than dynamic camera as there is a lot more logic that has to go in to make a dynamic camera good. A camera is the window to your game world and as such they greatly affect the feel and playability of the game. There have been a lot of games that implement dynamic camera and decrease the playability and the overall feel of the game. That is why dynamic cameras are much more meticulous to implement. Then there are easier cameras to implement like the first person camera that lets you take the perspective of a character in a game. This one is easy to implement and code but there are others that can make or break a game.
The third person camera is one of these cameras that can make or break a game as a good implementation can add to the game’s experience. If it is not done correctly then it can severely hinder the game’s playability and overall experience. Clipping  and colliding with objects and obstacles are a big concern with third person cameras. There is a time in every gamer’s carrier where they have been near a wall and the camera clips or goes into the wall. When this happens it takes away from the game world and shows the games ugly side that is support to be covered up. One way to reduce this from happening is to have different types of camera and choose the right camera for the right occasion. Each camera can have a different weighting and blending different types of camera could help avoid this problem.

Anyway that are some thoughts about camera now that I have talked about camera time to go and fix mine!

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