Saturday 16 November 2013

Object Oriented Design Patters

Object Oriented Design Patters
The time has come, I need to do another blog for my game engines course and I am not sure on a topic to talk about. For inspiration I opened up my game’s code and started to step back and look at it. While looking through my game code I relied that my game is made up of a bunch of different design patters. So this is my topic for this blog. It is time to get started.

Singleton Design Pattern
A singleton design pattern restricts the object to only have one instance. If there was singleton class called Singleton, then there can only be one instance of this object at any given time. You can think of a singleton similarly to a static variable. Just like a static variable there is only ever one instance of that object at a time. This is done by creating a class and making the constructor private. When the constructor is private you
can make sure that the user can’t call it multiple times.

ExampleClass *example = new ExampleClass();

Instead of creating a normal object like the example above we can use a function to get an instance of the object. An example singleton class is demonstrated below.

Singleton::getInstance(); // with the example below can also be called by SINGLETON_CORE

1:  // .h file----------------------------------------------------  
2:  // this macro can be used outside of the class to call on the instance  
3:  #define SINGLETON_CORE Singleton::getInstance();  
4:  class Singleton; // class prototype deceleration  
5:  typedef Singleton* (*FuncPtr) (void);  
6:  class Singleton{  
7:  public:  
8:       ~Singleton(); // default constructor  
9:       // the first time this is called it will also call createInstance to create the  
10:       // initial object and from then on it will call getInstance to return the instance pointer  
11:       static FuncPtr getInstance; // function to get the instance of the object  
12:  private:  
13:       Singleton();  
14:       static Singleton* createInstance(void);  
15:       static Singleton* instance; // static Object  
16:  };  
17:  // .cpp file--------------------------------------------------  
18:  // this makes sure that if the first time it is called that the instance is made  
19:  // if not then it will go ahead and create the instance and then return it  
20:  FuncPtr Singleton::getInstance = createInstance;  
21:  Singleton* Singleton::instance; // defining the static instance  
22:  Singleton::Singleton(){}  
23:  Singleton;:~Singleton(){}  
24:  Singleton* Singleton::createInstance(void){  
25:       if(instance == NULL){ // checking to see if there is no instance if there is not then make one  
26:            instance = new Singleton();  
27:            getInstance = Instance;  
28:       }  
29:       return m_instance;  
30:  }  
31:  Singleton* Singleton::Instance(void){  
32:       return m_instance;  
33:  }  

Singletons are great for objects that you only want one of. A great example of this is any sort of system manager. In my game we have an input manager that handles all of the inputs. You do not want multiple managers to control the input so we used the singleton design pattern. There are many other design patters that act like singletons as you only need one object of that type. The disadvantage of this pattern is that you cannot create multiple instances, but that is the entire point of the pattern. There can be problems with singletons and multiple threaded applications. If you are to have two threads use the create instance function at the same time they will both check and only one will get the instance. If you want a video that explains singleton design patterns well then check out this link

State Design Pattern

The state design pattern is an object oriented behavior based design pattern. It is also referred to the Objects for state pattern. This design pattern focuses on a base state class and then all other possible state that can happen inheriting from it. In a game context you can use the state design pattern for AI and the manager that will go along with it. AI can be broken down into a list of different behaviors that have been designed by the game designer. You can have a base class called behavior and all other behaviors will inherit from this base class. Behaviors such as seek, flee, and arrive can be behaviors that inherit from the base behavior class. In the AI manager you can decide what behavior to do at any point in time. To change what behavior you are currently running you just have to change the current behavior state to the correct one. An example of this would be as followed.

1:  class BehaviorState{  
2:  public:  
3:       virtual void doSomething();  
4:       virtual void ~BehaviorState();  
5:  };  
6:  class SeekBehavState public BehaviorState{  
7:       void doSomething(std::cout << "seeking" << std::endl);  
8:       // within this state you can change to other states  
9:  };  
10:  class FleeBehavState public BehaviorState{  
11:       void doSomething(std::cout << "fleeing" << std::endl);  
12:       // within this state you can change to other states  
13:  };  
14:  class AriveBehavState public BehaviorState{  
15:       void doSomething(std::cout << "arriving" << std::endl);  
16:       // within this state you can change to other states  
17:  };  
18:  // this class can be a singleton that handles all the AI or it can  
19:  // handle only one object it is up to your design  
20:  class Manager{   
21:       Manager();  
22:       // all of the different states  
23:       BehaviorState seekBehavior;  
24:       BehaviorState fleeBehavior;  
25:       BehaviorState ariveBehavior;  
26:       BehaviorState state;  
27:       void doSomething(){state.doStomething();}  
28:       BehaviorState getState(){return state;}  
29:       void setState(BehaviorState pstate){state = pstate;}  
30:       BehaviorState getSeekState(){return seekBehavior;}  
31:       BehaviorState getFleeState(){return fleeBehavior;}  
32:       BehaviorState getAriveState(){return ariveBehavior;}  
33:  };  
34:  int main(){  
35:       Manager m;  
36:       m.setState(getSeekState());  
37:       m.doSomething();  
38:       m.setState(getFleeState());  
39:       m.doSomething();  
40:       m.setState(getAriveState());  
41:  }  

If you would like more information about the state design pattern with a great example implementation, check out this link.

Façade Design Pattern

IIf you have ever done object oriented programing before then you have probably used the façade design pattern in some way before and did not know. A façade is an object that provides simple interface and functionality for larger blocks of code. An example of a façade is a third party library. It gives you all the functionality of the library without all of the background code. When you use the façade design pattern you make code more readable and understandable, organizes code for easier comprehension, and reduces the dependencies of outside code. A problem with the façade pattern is that the background code must be wrapped properly to be used to the fullest. If the wrapper is not adequate the entire façade will suffer. Here is what the façade pattern looks like in a UML diagram.

If you would like more information on the façade pattern along with example implementation, check out this link

Factory Design Pattern

The Factory design pattern is used when you want a function to return one of several classes which all have one base/super class. An example where this would come in handy would be for spawning entities in your game. You have a base class called GameObject which all other game objects will inherit from. All of your enemy classes will inherit from the game object class, bullets, scenery, items you name it the factory will be able to spawn it. The object that is returned is chosen at runtime and is not pre-computed. This means that you can spawn enemies and items on the fly. Here is a UML design of a factory.

If you would like more information about the factory design pattern and an example implementation, check out this link.

If you want a playlist of videos that goes through a lot of object oriented programing design patterns then check out this link to be taken to a Youtube playlist. 

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