Friday 29 November 2013

Halo Reach Blog Quest 1 (#2)

Do you remember any stories within a game that have 
gripped you, and moved you emotionally, or sparked your 
imagination? If this has ever happened to you, then why? If 
not, then why not? Write a blog post about this. 

Halo Reach was Bungie's last game mode under the halo title. They wanted to leave fans with a story that was different then all the others and show the fans a different side of the halo universe. Halo Reach is a prequel to halo combat evolved the original halo game. The Story does not involve master chief and takes a much darker route then other Halo games. Halo Reach's story touched me emotionally which not a lot of games can do.

WARNING as I do not want to ruin the story for anyone, if you have not played Halo Reach and do not know what happens then do not read this as there will be some spoilers. I don't like it when there are no warnings before spoilers are talked about so I will state it here before I begin.

Since the halo universe is ever so expansive with lots of back story in related books, the setting of Halo Reach is known before you start playing. Since this is a prequel to Halo Combat Evolved you already know what will happen in the end. Reach is a planet that humans have colonized on. This is the farthest planet to be colonized and is the edge of humanity's reach in the galactic universe. From the beginning of Halo Reach I know that the planet will be destroyed. Since I know that the planet will be destroyed I told myself that I was not going to get emotional attached to anything. This is my immediate reaction to avoid getting hurt in my feels (a device that registers feeling also known as you feeler). 

The game starts with a cut scene and introduces Number 6 (the player's character) and the rest of Nobel Team. Once you are introduced you get brief on the situation and sent out on a mission. Now as a player I felt like it was a good introduction to your team and get settled down to playing the game. The game continues to pan out with the regular shooter campaign move to a location and complete objective and move to the next location. I thought that I was safe and I could get through the game without getting attached. But each cut scene and little moment where you get to see the characters personality I started to ease my resolve. I soon found myself invested in Nobel Team and all it members. For example noble 5 or Jorge 053 is one of the last SpartanII with a long battle record. In one of the early cut scenes you see that he is a very caring person and cares about civilians. You can see him as a big softy at times which makes him more relatable as a character.

At around the half way point of the game i lost my resolve and became attached to the world and the team that I was in. Although the game felt like a loosing battle, I still wanted to fight to keep my team safe. There are not a lot of game that make me feel that way. I will admit I lost to Reach.

As I was about to write this blog I found a video on Youtube called Halo Reach Cutscenes. It has all of the cut scenes in one video. I watch it again and again it still got to me. Watching back again I still got attached to the characters and the story. Each cut sene pulled me in as I was watching a movie.

I also have to give credit to where credit is due. Halo would not have has the effect that it did without the audio in the game. The voice acting relay flushed out the characters and made them real. The score of the game was amazing as always, creating a feeling inside that I cant describe.

Below is a video of all the cut scenes in Halo Reach. Give the video a watch and see how it makes you feel.

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